Muhammad Irfan Luthfi
Information Technology
Dept. Electronics and Informatics Engineering Education
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
[ Official CV ] [ SINTA ] [ Google Scholar ]
Hello! My name is Muhammad Irfan Luthfi, and I warmly welcome you to the UNYDeveloperNetwork (UDN) Laboratory. Our laboratory is at the forefront of research and innovation in several exciting fields including Computer Vision (CV), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and their applications in education. We are also deeply engaged in advancing Mobile Software Engineering, focusing on user interface/user experience design (UI/UX), and ensuring the highest standards in Mobile Software Quality Assurance.
On this page, you’ll find a comprehensive collection of resources related to my work. Explore my published books, scholarly articles, ongoing projects, and educational videos from my classroom sessions. Dive into the details of our cutting-edge research and discover how we’re pushing the boundaries of technology and education.
- Luthfi, M. I. (2021). Advanced computer programming computer vision. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Press. ISBN 978-602-498-340-6.
- Luthfi, M. I., Indrihapsari, Y., Wulandari, B. (Eds.), & Jati, M. P. (Eds.). (2024). Unbox learning: A practical guide to building powerful educational games. K-Media. ISBN 978-623-174-346-6.
- Tsauri, C. N. I., Sudira, P., & Luthfi, M. I. (2024). Transforming heavy equipment engineering learning using virtual reality: A literature review and case study. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 14(1), 43-52. [ …. ]
- Jati, M. P., Luthfi, M. I., Yao, C.-K., Dehnaw, A. M., Manie, Y. C., & Peng, P.-C. (2024). An extremely close vibration frequency signal recognition using deep neural networks. Applied Sciences, 14(7), 2855. MDPI. [ …. ]
- Septiyanti, N. D., Luthfi, M. I., & Romadloni, N. T. (2024). Komparasi metode klasifikasi dalam analisis sentimen ulasan pengguna aplikasi KRL Access di Google Play Store. Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems: J-Cosys, 4(1), 64-75. [ ….. ]
- Hwang, W.-Y., Luthfi, M. I., Hariyanti, U., & Wardani, R. (2023). Evaluation of fraction learning in authentic context using Ubiquitous Fraction App. Education and Information Technologies, 28(6), 6755-6779. Springer US New York. [ …. ]
- Luthfi, M. I., Septiyanti, N. D. (2023). Design Thinking untuk Analisis Masalah Pembelajaran Daring Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. DECODE: Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi, 3(2), 193-204. Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi UM Kendari. [ …. ]
- Luthfi, M. I., Wardani, R., & Septiyanti, N. D. (2023). Development of an Android-Based Cultural Heritage Map App. Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education), 8(1), 103-112. [ …. ]
- Sukardiyono, T., Luthfi, M. I., & Septiyanti, N. D. (2023). Breaking down computer networking instructional videos: Automatic summarization with video attributes and language models. Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education), 8(1), 26-37. [ …. ]
- Asyrofi, R., Dewi, M. R., Lutfhi, M. I., & Wibowo, P. (2023). Systematic literature review Langchain proposed. In 2023 International Electronics Symposium (IES) (pp. 533-537). IEEE. [ …. ]
- Luthfi, M. I., & Septiyanti, N. D. (2023). Pengembangan prototipe asisten tugas akhir cerdas dengan teknologi GPT. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional ELINVO 2023: Penerapan Teknologi Chat GPT dan AI pada Bidang Akademik di Perguruan Tinggi (pp. 115-126). ISSN 2477-2402. [ …. ]
- Hariyanti, U., Hwang, W.-Y., Nurtantyana, R., Surjono, H. D., Rochmah, I. N., Hoang, A., Luthfi, M. I., & Maulana Putra, M. T. (2022). Investigating anxiety and acceptance of students and parents toward authentic contextual learning with a mobile app under the COVID-19. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-13. Routledge. [ …. ]
- Wardani, R., Zakaria, M., Priyanto, P., Luthfi, M. I., Rochmah, I. N., Rahman, A. F., & Putra, M. T. M. (2021). An authentic learning approach to assist the computational thinking in mathematics learning for elementary school. Elinvo (Electronics, Informatics, and Vocational Education), 6(2), 139-148. [ …. ]
- Luthfi, M. I., & Wardani, R. (2019). Application of design thinking in designing history instructional media for high school students. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(16), 698-710. Science & Engineering Research Support Society. [ …. ]
- Islami, I. N., Karunia, A. N., & Luthfi, M. I. (2015). Optimalisasi UMKM Virtual Market (UVM) dalam menghadapi ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015.
[Optimization of SMEs Virtual Market in Facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015
Funding Source: Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education
Total Funding: IDR10,000,000.00] - Karunia, A. N., Islami, I. N., & Luthfi, M. I. (2015). “Jono the energy discoverer” game dua dimensi sebagai media edukasi dalam meningkatkan pemahaman sumber energi terbarukan bagi generasi muda menuju Indonesia emas.
[Jono the Energy Discoverer’ Two-Dimensional Game as an Educational Medium to Enhance Understanding of Renewable Energy Sources Among the Youth Towards a Golden Indonesia
Funding Source: Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education
Total Funding: IDR15,000,000.00] - Luthfi, M. I., Karunia, A. N., & Arofah, D. M. (2015). Open-Edu Indonesia (Open Education for All People) sebagai inovasi pembelajaran berbasis virtual class teknologi pendidikan.
[Open-Edu Indonesia (Open Education for All People) as an Innovation in Virtual Class-Based Learning Technology
Funding Source: Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education
Total Funding: IDR5,000,000.00] - Luthfi, M. I., Karunia, A. N., Nurhadiyati, A., Nur, A. C., & Aminah, L. F. R. (2016). Pengembangan game edukasi “Brooom-Brooom” berbasis Android sebagai media pembelajaran dalam berlalu lintas untuk siswa SMK.
[Development of ‘Brooom-Brooom’ Educational Game on Android as a Learning Medium in Traffic for Vocational High School Students
Funding Source: Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education
Total Funding: IDR15,000,000.00]
Another video can be accessed through this link: